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Discover the Spiritual Side of Science and Its Impact on Wellbeing

Recent Research on the Psychological Benefits of Finding Spirituality in Scientific Exploration

In the world of scientific inquiry, where we systematically chase knowledge, there exists a dimension beyond mere calculation. As highlighted by Jesse L. Preston and their colleagues from the University of Warwick in a recent study, science has the power to unearth discoveries and theories that invoke a sense of purpose, connection, and wonder. Surprisingly, this can evolve into a spiritual experience, benefiting our overall well-being and ability to learn.

“Traditionally, spiritual experiences have been associated with religion. However, research suggests that intense emotions such as feeling interconnected and having a sense of purpose, often linked to spirituality, can also be sparked in non-religious contexts, such as through encounters with the natural world.”

While it’s commonly accepted that science can also trigger feelings of awe and a deep sense of purpose, the idea of spirituality within science is a relatively young field of scientific investigation. In fact, the initial step taken by the researchers of this study was to develop and validate a scale to measure this phenomenon. Their newly crafted 10-item Spirituality of Science (SoS) scale gauges an individual’s agreement with statements like ‘Science reveals the beauty of our world’ and ‘Science connects all things.’


For their study, the research team recruited 526 agnostic and atheist adults who completed the SoS scale, a questionnaire evaluating their faith in science, and various well-being assessments. These measures included evaluations of stress levels, happiness, and life satisfaction.


The findings illuminated a strong connection between SoS scores and most of the well-being measures, including happiness and a sense of life’s meaning, while belief in science didn’t show significant correlations with these measures. Previous research has established a link between religious beliefs and improved well-being and purpose. The current study suggests that discovering spirituality within science can also nurture these vital aspects of human flourishing.


In a separate study involving 171 students, the researchers delved into whether individuals with higher SoS scores engage more effectively with scientific information and retain it better. Participants were exposed to readings on topics as diverse as black holes and mortgage applications, followed by questions to assess their comprehension. They also completed assessments measuring their belief in science and a ‘Small Self scale,’ designed to gauge feelings often associated with the spiritual sense of being humbled by something greater than oneself.


The results indicated that higher SoS scores were associated with slightly higher Small Self scale scores. They were also linked to greater self-reported engagement with the material on black holes and higher scores on the subsequent test, but not with the mortgage-related content. Importantly, correct responses to the black hole questions did not correlate with participants’ belief in science. The findings suggest that individuals with stronger SoS tendencies performed better on the black hole test because they were more engaged with the scientific material.


It’s important to acknowledge that not everyone will find science to be a source of spiritual experiences. However, for those who do, this study underscores the emotional and intellectual benefits that can ensue. Moreover, it hints that, for some, science may serve as an alternative to religion in delivering spirituality-related advantages to our overall well-being.


Nonetheless, there are limitations to the conclusions drawn from this research. The well-being study focused solely on agnostics and atheists, questioning whether religious individuals could derive additional well-being benefits from spirituality within science. As the research team aptly notes, this work serves as an introductory exploration of the topic, paving the way for further research in this domain.


Review overview