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  In Nicoya, Costa Rica, where the average income is modest


Cultivating Your Wellness Embrace the joy of gardening; it's not just a pastime—it's a wonderfully therapeutic adventure. Any list of hobbies that aid the mind, body,

In a recent study, a staggering 49 percent of adults say they have fewer than three close friends they confide in, doubling the percentage

Unlocking the Secret to a Longer Life: In the midst of what he calls a "healthspan revolution," Peter Diamandis, a renowned physician, longevity expert, and

Discover the Science and Spiritual Wisdom Behind the World's Healthiest and Longest-Living Communities   In the quest for a long and spiritually fulfilling life, the pursuit

Recent Research on the Psychological Benefits of Finding Spirituality in Scientific Exploration In the world of scientific inquiry, where we systematically chase knowledge, there exists

Harmonizing Wellness: Scientifically Proven Therapeutic and Spiritual Impact of Music In the intricate symphony of seniors' lives, the therapeutic and spiritual effects of music are

You Are What You Eat The Netflix documentary "You Are What You Eat" digs deep into how our food choices affect our physical and mental

Over the past few decades, the legal landscape around cannabis in the United States has undergone a significant transformation. In 1996, not a single